Digital Books

RNIB Bookshare
School or the LINS Service can set up an account for children/ or your Young People with a visual impairment or print disability. Books can be downloaded and some can be read in an instant read option where text size and colour can be changed.
National Accessible Library
The National Accessible Library is a free online library for visually impaired readers. Both schools, children and young people with vision impairment and parents can join the library.
The library is for people who are unable to enjoy reading a printed book because they are blind, visually impaired, have print blindness due to dyslexia or are physically impaired.
The books are available in a variety of formats, including Microsoft Word, plain text and Braille. The books in Microsoft Word format are marked up in order to make it as easy as possible to customise the book to suit the way you want to read them. The charity continues to add books to the library all the time, on every subject. Click the link to the library
If the book is in Microsoft Word format, you can press control A to highlight all the text and change the text size if needed.
Oxford Owl
Free access to eBooks which can be accessed on a computer or tablet. They include all of your child’s favourite characters from Biff, Chip and Kipper to the Project X team. Aimed at Reception to Year 6 pupils. Some of the books do not have high contrast between the background and text so are not always easy for visually impaired pupils to read. If you unsure or need help selecting books, and your child is supported by the LIN Service VI Darlington please get in touch with Jenny Hill.
Borrow Box