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The school has an agreed admission number of 30 children. The school will accordingly admit at least 30 children in the relevant age group each year if sufficient applications are received.


The School Admission Regulations 2012 require admission authorities to set (‘determine’) admission arrangements annually. Once arrangements have been determined, any objections to them should be referred in writing to the Schools Adjudicator. The Schools Adjudicator can be contacted at The Office of the Schools Adjudicator, Bishopsgate House, Feethams, Darlington, DL1 5QE. You can also contact them on 01325 340525 or by emailing the team at


Once admission arrangements have been determined for a particular school year, they cannot be revised by the admission authority unless such revision is necessary to give effect to a mandatory requirement of the Code, admission law, a determination of the Adjudicator or any misprint in the admission arrangements.


Process of application

Applications for places at the school will be made in accordance with the LA’s co-ordinated admission arrangements and will be made on the Primary School Application (PSA) provided and administered by Darlington Borough Council. Prospective children and their parents/carers are encouraged to visit the school before making an application.


Applications for reception places 2024/25

Children born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020 are eligible to start school in Reception in September 2024.


Open Days


If you would like to view Hurworth Primary School on one of our open days and meet with Mrs Maddison, our Head Teacher, please click on the link below and select one of the days that we have available.



  • Tuesday14th November 2023 at 10.00am

  • Friday 24th November 2023 at 9.45am

  • Tuesday 5 December 2023 at 10.00am


Parents/carers have a right to express a preference for a primary school(s) they prefer but there is no guarantee that a place can be allocated at one of them.


Forms should be returned to the School Admissions Team no later than 15 January 2024.


Forms received after this date (late applications) will only be considered in exceptional circumstances (for example: families who have moved into the area after the closing date). These applications will be considered up to and including 19 January 2024.


Do you live in the Borough of Darlington?

YES - Then you must apply on the Darlington Primary Application Form (PSA). No matter which primary schools you are interested in, whether located in the Borough of Darlington or in another local authority area.


NO - If you don't live in Darlington then you must apply on the application form supplied by the local authority area that you live in.


How to apply 

Please click on the link to find out more: Primary Guide for Parents 2024-25 


For more information, please visit the Darlington Borough Council Primary Admissions website here


Applying for a school place if your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan or a Statement of SEN

Children and young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan (or Statement of Special Education Needs) follow a different admission and transfer process for a new school. Please continue to complete Darlington Borough Council’s application form, as part of the admission process to a new school. You continue to have a right to request a particular school and this will be considered alongside the information that we have about your child’s special educational needs. The information would have been provided as part of the Education, Health and Care assessment or following the review meeting.


If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment via


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